Even Better...
You've made the series even better, but just like I predicted, the name of the game became a problem, because I had no idea what "BR III" was, I just clicked it because I saw it was highlighted, and I try to make sure I check out all the highlighted games.
It wasn't TOO difficult, I was actually able to beat this one, but just hard enough to make it hard to get the top rating. As for the boss, the first part was really quite tough, but the later incarnations were incredibly simple in comparison. Even the final guy shooting a lot of missiles was nothing compared to the bouncing exit with the expanding and shooting spikes in the first guy. I really hated the triangle part, because it was just the same thing over and over for 10 levels. The 5 4 3 2 1 was pretty stupid too.
It's cool to see that Dan is sponsoring non-LOTR games now too. I might have to remember that the next time I talk to him :).